Migrating out of Poverty

Exploring the links between migration and poverty through research, capacity building and policy engagement

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Current partner

The Organisation for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa (OSSREA)

at Addis Ababa University

OSSREA is a not-for-profit think tank constituted of a network of universities and scholars in 21 countries in Eastern and Southern Africa. The OSSREA Secretariat is based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. OSSREA’s niche is research, training and capacity building. Its trans-disciplinary rigorous research is published in peer reviewed journals and books. OSSREA is committed to generating research and sharing knowledge in policy dialogue workshops for the promotion of research uptake. Research is translated into knowledge outputs usable by various stakeholders. Workshops are composed of academia, policy makers, civil society organizations, community members, media, private practitioners and other stakeholders interested in the subject of discussion.

OSSREA focuses on initiating, undertaking and supporting the undertaking of intra- and inter-disciplinary research. This leads to co-production of knowledge as evidence and data for decision making in the region. Premised on our partnership spirit, we harness synergies of each of the partners to form a community of practice on the selected theme.  OSSREA collaborates with like-minded partners in a South to South AND North to South partnership. We also collaborate with Regional Economic Communities, Regional bodies, Civil Society Organizations, Private Practitioners, and National Governments.


OSSREA is partnering with the University of Sussex as part of the Migrating out of Poverty. The research in Ethiopia will focus on three thematic areas: 

  • Intra-household dynamics of migration, including youth aspirations (the Gender and Generation theme)
  • Understanding the structure and functioning of the Migration Industry in Africa and along routes into Europe (the Migration Industry theme)
  • Quantitative assessments of the drivers and impacts of migration on poverty (the Income and Remittances theme)


The objective of the research is to investigate how changes in national and regional migration impact on international migration by:

  • Mapping major migratory pathways for migrants from poorer households, the steps they involve, and the risks and prospects for different migrants 
  • Examining how migration is facilitated or frustrated and how this varies with legal status, occupation, age, gender, and poverty level 
  • Exploring how micro- and meso-level choices and decisions at origin, in transit, or at staging posts during step migration, are shaped by policy, political conflict, legal status, economic circumstances and social/cultural factors 
  • Investigating the use of digital tools and mobile phones in the migration process, as a means of disseminating or sharing information to and among migrants, and as a means for migrants of staying connected with relatives and other social relations

The Organisation for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa, Ethiopia




Contact us at:

Organisation for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa
PO Box 31971
Addis Ababa

Email: info@ossrea.net
Website: www.ossrea.net

Tel: +251-1-11239484
Fax: +251-1-11223921

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