Read Conference organiser Dorte Thorsen's blog on 'Four novelties at the crossroads of migration and gender studies'
Read MOOP and ARI intern Alex Ma's blog on reflections on the conference.
Key discussions during the conference are highlighted in this Conference briefing [PDF 557.21KB]
We used the hashtag #GenderMigrates to archive our conversations on Twitter. We hope that this is just the start of the debate.
In the news
Female migration: recalling past struggle, challenges for future by Anas Ansar for Migration News
Remittances that come with a price by Syeda Rozana Rashid for The Daily Star
Women on the move by Anas Ansar and Isabelle Austin for the Dhaka Tribune
Presentation slides
Some of the presentations are available as slide sets.
Lessons from the Gendered Impact of Global Crisis on Asian Migrant Workers and Their Families
Poverty and Family Unity: A panel study from Indonesia
Masculinities, Remittances and Failure, narratives from far-west Nepal
Migration, Muslim Women and Social Reproduction of Gender Inequality
'Aesthetic Labour’ in the Emerging Labour market: A Case Study on Female Labour Migrants from North Eastern India to the Metropolitan Cities of Chennai and Bangalore, India
Father’s Migration and its Impact on Child Educational Inputs in India
Structural Exploitation of Indonesian Female Migrant Worker: A home country’s perspective
Gendered Representations of Zimbabwean Independent Young Female Migrants Negotiating for Livelihood in a South African Border Town
The gendered lived work experiences of young rural-urban migrants in Hanoi
Gendered Dynamics of Migrant Domestic Work in Accra, Ghana
From Zero to Hero: How Migrant Workers Change the World
A Price on her Head: How domestic work recruiters structure women’s migration and employment experience
Who we are and some of the contexts that we work in.